Illy Morrison - Online
Who are you?
I’m Illy. I’m a midwife, hypnobirthing teacher and birth debrief facilitator. I live in Norwich with my husband, my sister her husband and our girls. A sort of commune so to speak!
What did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be everything and nothing! I never had a clear idea but I knew it would be something that involved people, talking, learning, teaching and growing alongside them!
What makes you happy?
My family. I love seeing my daughter with her cousins and the relationship they have together. It’s absolutely magic!
What do you love about what you do?
I love seeing moments of magic, moments of realisation when women and birthing people are reminded of their strength.
If you could give one message to all mothers, what would it be?
Everything is a stage. It is literally forever changing. Despite that you can’t skip them and so you have to live through them but you’ve got this!
Insta: @mixing.up.motherhood