Welcome to the Here/Hear blog, where we share our reflections on pregnancy, parenting and personal growth. Come on in.
Gift guide.. for babies
Now it’s baby time! Ten thoughtful gift ideas for the littlest people in your life this festive season..
Gift guide.. for him
Next up in the gift guide is a selection of small to luxury items inspired by and for the men in your life! Bonus points for anything that you get to enjoy too, right?
Gift guide.. for her
It’s time for the gift guide thoughtfully curated for her. From stocking fillers to luxury treats, here are our ideas for special treasures for the ladies in your lives.
Gift guide.. for little kids
We’re kicking off our 2022 gift guide series with inspiration for little kids (say 3–7 year olds) with these thoughtful, long-lasting wares and play things.. Come and see what we’ve got!
The secret life of social media and validation
Recently I’ve been thinking about the adult impacts of what our inner child misses. I talked about our desire to feel good about ourselves – to attain, progress and succeed in a way that society deems viable. It seemed to really resonate with a lot of you, and I wonder to what extent our relationship with Instagram is a reflection of that?
Because I said so
Here’s a simple thought for you to ponder as you parent this weekend – how often, as a kid, did you hear “because I said so”, and how often does your child hear that from you or within the institutions that look after them?
Panic-free potty training tips
Okay my friends (with toddlers) — let’s talk potty training! I would say the most important thing is to put some real thought and intention into starting your potty training journey, so that it feels as calm and pressure-free as possible.
Slow-paced crafts and festive cards
So it’s only taken me 11 years to find the best way of making toddler Christmas cards – or cards for any festivities you celebrate. Break it down into lots of individual crafts so that your little one doesn’t lose patience two cards in..
Five reflections for World Breastfeeding Week
I always find #worldbreastfeedingweek an interesting one. I enjoy seeing the celebration of breastfeeding (especially in a country with such low rates), but I also see how many people are triggered by the breastfeeding conversation and I can feel the sadness and shame attached to it.
In Conversation with Koru Kids
I was recently part of a brilliant conversation with Koru Kids looking at how to find the confidence to parent your way, and ultimately, how to get back in touch with your instincts.
20 ways to boost your happy hormones
Things can feel like a lot sometimes, can’t they? In times of stress or anxiety, I wanted to share with you twenty things to reduce your stress responses and boost your happy hormones.
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