Stephanie Flynn
Who are you?
I’m Steph and I live in Shrewsbury, Shropshire with my sons Lucas, Isaac and Oliver, and my loving and patient husband, Rory. I’ve been a hypnobirthing teacher since 2018 and before that I was a midwife. I run courses in Shrewsbury and online.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
A midwife - I always have been and always will be absolutely fascinated by the body's ability to grow, nurture and birth a baby.
What makes you happy?
Going for long walks with the family and standing with my feet in the sea.
What do you love about what you do?
Supporting people to realise how amazingly powerful they already are. I’m simply there to open up their mind, help them find their voice and most importantly, support.
If you could give one message to all mothers, what would it be?
To trust your gut instinct - it can process things a lot quicker than our mind can. It is mighty powerful and we should listen to it. It will guide you well throughout pregnancy, birth, motherhood and beyond.
Contact Stephanie
Insta: @birthnerduk